How to join TikTok creator fund?

How to Join the TikTok Creator Fund: A Step-by-Step Guide In 2024

Are you spending hours creating engaging TikTok videos and wondering how to make money from your talent? The TikTok Creator Fund is your chance to turn those creative efforts into real earnings!

It’s designed to reward creators like you for producing quality content that resonates with audiences. But how exactly do you join this exciting opportunity? Don’t worry – we’re here to guide you through the entire process.

From understanding the eligibility requirements to the step-by-step instructions for applying, we’ll ensure you have everything you need to start earning from your TikTok videos. Ready to turn your creativity into cash? Let’s dive in!

What Is TikTok Creator Fund?

Imagine earning $14,000 from TikTok. Yes, with the social media platform. Without selling a thing. Just by posting your content and getting views on it. 

Mr. Beast did that. See the image he posted below for reference. 

Creator fund dashboard of mrbeast


How? With TikTok Creator Fund.

You may wonder what the TikTok Creator Fund is.

How can I join the TikTok creator fund? 

How much does the TikTok creator fund pay? 

What are TikTok creator fund requirements? 

What are the pros and cons of the TikTok Creator Fund? 

Bubbling with similar questions? You’ll find answers to all your questions in this guide right here. 

But remember: TikTok Creator Fund has been discontinued in the UK, USA, Germany, and France since December 16, 2023. It has been replaced with the TikTok Creativity Program. 

However, tikTokers in Spain and Italy can still use the TikTok Creator Fund. 

If you are in these 2 countries or just curious about the Creator Fund, read on. 

Or directly skip to the TikTok Creativity Program section to know more. 

TikTok creativity program

PS: TikTok Creator Fund and Creativity Program aren’t the only ways to monetize TikTok. Read till the end to find 6 more ways you can make money on TikTok.

What is the TikTok Creator Fund?

TikTok was first released in 2016. Today, it boasts 4.1 billion downloads and 2,051 million users worldwide. 

But the platform in itself isn’t the reason for its popularity. It is the creators who are the real stars of the show. 

TikTok creators – the people who make all those amazing videos that we love to watch – are the heart and soul of TikTok. 

But earlier, it was all just fun and games. There was no financial benefit to creating content.

TikTok quickly realized that without monetary compensation, it would be hard to keep the creators hooked. 

That’s why TikTok came up with the Creator Fund in July 2020. 

It is a financial rewards program that lets creators earn from their videos. 

With the TikTok Creator Fund, TikTok wanted to make content creation a full-time job and not just a hobby! The fund was started with a $200 million investment. The investment was supposed to rise to $1 billion in the next 3 years. 

Who invested in this fund? Where did the money come from?

TikTok never said. And till creators were getting paid, they didn’t care either. 

But, here’s the caveat: TikTok Creator Fund doesn’t pay you enough to make content creation a sustainable source of income. 

Take Mr. Beast’s earnings, for example. $14k is a good sum. But that’s when he has had over a billion views on his content. (Not to mention he is one of the biggest creators on TikTok!). 

For other, smaller creators TikTok Creator Fund payouts are like peanuts. That’s one reason why most creators actively look for other ways to monetize their content on TikTok. 

TikTok Creator Fund Requirements

TikTok Creator Fund isn’t open for all. It is like a member’s only club, which grants you entry only when:

  • You are at least 18 years of age
  • Have at least 100,000 views on your content in the past 30 days
  • Have at least 10,000 followers on TikTok
  • You are from Spain or Italy (earlier US, UK, France, and Germany-based creators could also apply!).
  • You follow TikTok’s terms and conditions and content guidelines.  

If you meet these TikTok Creator Fund eligibility requirements, you can join the fund. Here’s how…

How to join the TikTok Creator Fund?

Check out this quick video to see how you can join the TikTok Creator Fund.

After you apply to join the TikTok Creator Fund, TikTok will review your application. Expect to hear back from them in the next couple of days via the app itself.

Cool, so now I have joined the TikTok Creator Fund! How much can I expect to make now?

How and how much does TikTok Creator Fund pay?

Well, no one really knows how much money you can exactly make with the TikTok Creator Fund. There is no minimum or maximum payment threshold. This means that there is no cap on your earning potential.

Here’s what we know about making money from Creator Fund so far: 

  • The TikTok Creator Fund is like a daily pie, which has fluctuating values, depending on the videos posted that day and overall platform performance. 
  • Every creator gets a slice of the pie depending on how much they contribute overall in terms of views, likes, shares, etc. 
  • It is assumed that you get paid 2 to 4 cents per 1,000 views. But various creators’ experiences are varied. 

Take TGDefinition, for example. The gamer made £40 pounds with 2 million views on repurposed content. 

Creator fund dashboard of TGD

For him, that was welcome money. Others weren’t as elated. LoochyTV, another gaming streamer made only $330 with 10-11 million views.

LoochyTV TikTok creator fund

Now $330 is good if we compare it to nothing. But consider this: The same video, with a similar amount of views on YouTube, for example, would pay you much more with AdSense.

Or maybe if you collaborated with a brand, the deal would have made you way more money.

So, should you join the TikTok Creator Fund? Or should you just focus on other channels for monetization?

Let’s check out the pros and cons of the TikTok Creator Fund to find out. 

Pros and Cons of the TikTok Creator Fund

Below we have highlighted the pros and cons of the TikTok Creator Fund. Content creators in Spain and Italy (where the fund is still available!) can use this to decide whether they want to join the Fund or not. 

Pros of Joining TikTok Creator FundCons of Joining TikTok Creator Fund
Creators get a chance to earn money through their content.Strict eligibility criteria (like views and followers), which are hard to fulfill
Provides financial assistance to sustain content creationLow and fluctuating income potential
High competition among creators on TikTok, which makes it hard to earn more.
Pros and Cons of TikTok creator fund

Heads Up: TikTok Creator Fund has been discontinued in the US, UK, France, and Germany. Creators in these countries can only join the TikTok Creator Rewards program (previously called TikTok Creativity Program Beta. 

Let’s learn more about this. 

TikTok creator fund getting discontinued? 

The short answer is that it’s already been discontinued. When was the TikTok Creator Fund discontinued? The answer is December 16th, 2023. 

Note that it’s not the end of the road for you. 

TikTok Creator Fund’s successor, TikTok Creativity Program was introduced in February 2023. 

When the TikTok Creativity Program left the Beta state, it was renamed as TikTok Creator Rewards.

The goal? Better payouts for popular creators on TikTok. 

Here’s a quick comparison of the TikTok Creator Fund and the TikTok Creator Rewards.

TikTok Creator Fund vs TikTok Creator Rewards

CriteriaTikTok Creator FundTikTok Creator Rewards
Payout2-3 cents/1000 views$.50 to $1/1000 views
Video lengthAny length>1 minute
LocationItaly and SpainUS only (possibility of future expansion) 
FocusViews and video qualityHigh-quality, original content and engagement
Metrics and AnalyticsLimitedProvides insights on estimated rewards, qualified views, content performance, and program eligibility
TikTok creator fund rewards program

Not everyone can join the program just yet. To be eligible for the TikTok Creator Rewards Program, you must meet the following criteria:

TikTok TikTok Creator Rewards Requirements

Much like the Creator Fund, Creator Rewards also has strict eligibility requirements. You are eligible if:

  • You are at least 18 years old
  • Currently residing in the United States
  • Have at least 10,000 followers on TikTok
  • Have at least 100,000 video views in the last 30 days
  • You follow TikTok’s terms and conditions and content guidelines.  

Do you meet these criteria? If yes, here’s…

How to join the TikTok Creator Rewards?

To join the TikTok Creator Rewards

Step 1: Go to your profile.

Step 2: Tap the three lines in the top right corner.

Step 3: Select “Creator rewards.”

Step 4: Read and agree to the agreement.

Step 5: Click “Apply.”

After that, TikTok will review your request and send you an update soon.

Factors like video engagement, originality, adherence to community guidelines, and overall audience growth will be considered for qualification.

How Much Does The TikTok Creator Rewards Pay?

There is no minimum or maximum limit as to how you can earn with Creator Rewards. Generally, creators get paid between 50 cents to a dollar for every 1,000 views. 

The exact amount you can earn depends on how much engagement your content gets. Higher engagement (likes, comments, shares) generally means more income.

Other Ways To Monetize TikTok 

TikTok Creator Fund and even the TikTok Creator Rewards have several eligibility requirements. And to be honest, these programs don’t pay enough to become a sustainable source of income. 

So it is best that you explore other ways to monetize TikTok. Some of them include:

Partner With Brands 

You can create sponsored content like product reviews, tutorials, or challenges featuring brands that relate to your audience.

Think makeup tutorials featuring specific brands or comedy skits using a sponsor’s product.

Here’s how much you can expect to earn, based on your follower count:

Follower CountPer post charge
Small influencers10,000 – 1,00,000 followers$200 to $800
Medium Influencers1,00,000 – 5,00,000 followers$800 to $2,5000
Big influencers5,00,000 – 1 million followers$2,500 to $5,000
Huge influencers>1 million followers> $5,000
TikTok payment list based on the followers

Note: The per-post payment may vary depending on your engagement levels, your niche, and the brands you work with. 

Sell Your Own Products

If you have a creative streak, you can design and sell your own products via TikTok. 

Find out success stories and try to figure out what worked well for them. Generally, it’s a combination of product, price, trend, and content. 

Live Streaming with Virtual Gifts

TikTok lets fans send virtual gifts to their favorite creators. You can receive these gifts on your videos or your live streams on TikTok. 

Once you have enough gifts, you can convert them into Diamonds. (Diamonds are TikTok’s virtual currency. You can then redeem these diamonds for cash or other perks. 

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways to make money online. And you can leverage it via TikTok too. All you have to do is promote brands that you love. 

You can give out unique buying links or coupon codes to your audience. When someone uses your link or coupon to make a purchase, you get a commission from the brand. 

TikTok Shopping

TikTok, unlike other social media platforms, lets businesses and sellers set up a shop within the app itself. This lets users buy your stuff without leaving the app.

Plus, you get to add a direct link to your products in your videos when you enable TikTok shopping. 

Learn more about TikTok shopping here.

Offer Exclusive Content

TikTok has also recently come up with a new feature that lets you make some of your content gated. 

With TikTok’s series, you can share premium content with your viewers for a set fee.

Check out the announcement here.

Final word

Content creation isn’t a hobby anymore. It is a full-fledged career with lucrative payment options. 

Whether it is TikTok Creator Fund Creator Rewards or something else, you can easily make money by creating content on TikTok. 

So no matter what mode you choose, make sure you aim for virality and higher views and engagement. With that, you can reach a wider audience and make more money. 


How can I withdraw funds from TikTok?

Currently, withdrawing funds directly through TikTok is only available for earnings from the Creator Rewards Program. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Go to the Creator Rewards option in the TikTok app
  • If you meet the minimum withdrawal threshold ($50), click on the Withdraw button.
  • Enter the amount you wish to withdraw and follow the onscreen instructions to continue.

Important: Make sure your PayPal account information is accurate and up-to-date.

I got rejected from the TikTok Creator Fund/Creator Rewards. Can I re-apply?

Yes, you can re-apply for the Creator Fund or Creator Rewards program after 30 days of receiving your rejection notification. 

Here are some tips for a successful re-application:

  1. Ensure you meet all the eligibility criteria
  2. Analyze your past content. Consider if it aligns with the program’s emphasis on high-quality and original videos.
  3. Respond to comments, participate in trends, and host Q&A sessions to boost viewer interaction.
  4. Continue creating and posting high-quality content regularly to demonstrate your dedication and growth potential.

How do I go viral on TikTok?

No matter what method of monetizing you choose, going viral on TikTok can help you make more money.  

You can check out our guide on how to go viral on TikTok to see (with example!) how you can go viral.

Remember: Going viral takes time, creativity, and luck. So keep experimenting, and don’t give up. 



