Gen Z shoppers

Empowering Gen Z Shoppers with Genuine Personalized Experiences That Go Beyond Cancel Culture

Generation Z has grown up surrounded by content, news, and updates across multiple platforms and devices. They hold a remarkable $143 billion in buying power, accounting for 40% of global consumers in 2020. As digital natives, this generation poses unique obstacles and opportunities to marketers – what resonates with millennials will not necessarily be effective when targeting Gen Zers born between 1995-2010.

Gen Zers are intensely individualistic and favor genuine experiences that reflect their interests, values, and preferences. They will quickly spot any superficial attempts to appear authentic.

So, how does this influence the way Generation Z makes decisions when shopping? Here are some key points for brands to think about as they strive to gain trust and loyalty from Gen Z customers.


Step Outside Your Brand Identity, Show Them You Care!

Extensive research indicates that young consumers today want companies to represent a cause, not just offer products. Notably, 69% of Generation Z customers report they are more likely to purchase from businesses that back social causes.

The customer-focused brand, Veribella, has done a fantastic job making it known that their products are cruelty-free and USA-made, but to reach the socially conscious Gen Z market, they need more than just virtue signaling. Young people recognize when a brand is truly speaking from real experience or not; luckily for Veribella, customers trust them in knowing that all of their ingredients have been derived ethically without testing on animals! They continue to amass loyal shoppers who strongly adhere to purchasing items with authentic components – and Veribella continues to speak out about these topics in an organic manner every chance they get!

To effectively reach Gen Z shoppers with meaningful content, messages, and products supporting social causes, you must begin by creating an organizational initiative. This will ensure that your efforts are well-thought-out and focused on the needs of this generation. When done correctly, these initiatives can help boost awareness for your organization and its key objectives.

Despite the generalizations about each generation, including Gen Z, it is vital to recognize that no two individuals are ever identical. Therefore, brands must get creative to provide personalized experiences for every consumer if they want their brand to be successful.


Wonder what your customer really wants? Ask. Don’t tell.

To establish authentically close relationships with customers from Gen Z, it is indispensable for brands to possess comprehensive knowledge about them and personalize their customer journey accordingly.

Brands have the capability to collect enough data to personalize the content specifically for Gen Z audiences. Serving a guided quiz or self-segmentation survey is an effective way of obtaining this valuable information, as 44% of Generation Z respondents are willing to trade their private data for a more customized experience. Unlocking these insights can provide your business with invaluable knowledge and understanding about who your customers really are.

By obtaining data, brands can offer heightened personalization and an entertaining way to sift through products of interest. This inventive approach will capture the attention of this generation, who have been trained to speedily scroll through visuals, only stopping when something stands out from the rest. The end result? It creates a much more engaging customer experience!


Immerse into the Digital Language of Gen Z

To give customers experiences tailored to their specific affinities, eCommerce retailers must note the digital clues consumers leave when interacting with websites and apps. For example, considering a customer’s browsing history – including category or product detail page views and what items are placed in carts or bought – can help marketers identify which features resonate most with each individual consumer. But too often, this valuable data goes unutilized.

Affinity modeling allows marketers to capitalize on valuable browsing signals by giving a score to visitors in relation to the product metadata associated with them. Furthermore, every new page view, action, and the event provides more insights into their color, style, and brand preferences, enabling tailored content delivery, such as customized messages or offers depending on their actions. This can benefit any marketer looking for higher conversion rates from personalized experiences.

Brands aiming to grow their presence with each emerging cohort encounter new challenges. Fortunately, brands possess various resources designed explicitly for comprehending the interests and preferences of this digital-savvy generation. As Gen Z’s influence continues to grow, the companies that capitalize on their digital tools stand to gain an advantage in the long run and remain unscathed from the cancel culture.


Key Takeaways:

  • Gen Z shoppers care deeply about product sources and social causes, which brands should leverage. Brands should take advantage of Gen Z’s desire for meaningful connections by creating content that authentically reflects their values and interests.
  • Brands need to ask customers what they want and customize offerings based on user data.
  • Brands should focus on building trust with Gen Z through transparency and providing a secure customer experience.
  • Technology-driven marketing solutions should be embraced to understand consumer behaviors, deliver personalized experiences, and gain loyalty from Gen Zers.



