click based profiling for email personalization

How to use click-based profiling to personalize emails and increase conversion

You’ve probably heard of click-based profiling, but what is it exactly? And how can you use it to personalize your emails and increase conversion? Click-based profiling is a way of segmenting your email list by the links that recipients click on in your emails. This allows you to send more targeted and relevant emails, which leads to higher conversion rates. This blog post will show you how to use click-based profiling to personalize your emails and increase conversion. We’ll also provide some tips on what to include in your emails to make them more effective.

What is click-based profiling?

Click-based profiling is a method of email personalization that relies on data collected from customer clicks. This data is used to create user profiles that help determine which emails are most likely to be clicked on by each customer. By targeting customers with personalized emails relevant to their interests, businesses can see an increase in conversion rates.

How can click-based profiling be used to personalize emails?

Click-based profiling can be used to personalize emails in a number of ways. By tracking which links are clicked on by recipients, you can start to build up a picture of their interests and preferences. This information can then be used to segment your email list and send more targeted, personalized emails that are more likely to be opened and clicked on.

In addition, click-based profiling can also be used to track the effectiveness of your email campaigns. By looking at how many clicks each email generates, you can see which subject lines, messages, and call-to-actions resonate with your audience and drive results.

What are the benefits of personalizing emails with click-based profiling?

Personalization is key when it comes to email marketing. You can increase conversion rates and improve customer engagement by using click-based profiling to personalize your emails.

Click-based profiling allows you to collect data on what your subscribers are interested in and then use that information to send more targeted personalized emails. You can use this type of profiling to segment your list, send more targeted content, and even create custom campaigns.

Here are some of the benefits of using click-based profiling to personalize your email marketing:

1. Improve Customer Engagement

By sending more targeted and personalized emails, you can improve customer engagement. When subscribers feel like you understand their needs and interests, they are more likely to open and click through your emails.

2. Increase Conversion Rates

More targeted emails lead to higher conversion rates. When you send relevant content that speaks to your subscriber’s needs, they are more likely to take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

3. Segment Your List for More Targeted Emails

Click-based profiling allows you to segment your list to send more targeted emails. For example, if you have a list of subscribers who have all clicked on links about gardening, you can segment them into a gardening group and send them tailored content about that topic. This ensures that everyone on your list is receiving content that is relevant to them.

Using click-based profiling to personalize emails and increase conversion (Examples)

When it comes to email personalization, click-based profiling is one of the most effective methods you can use. By tracking which links your subscribers click on in your emails, you can learn a lot about their interests and preferences. This information can then be used to send them more targeted and personalized emails that are more likely to convert.

For example, let’s say you have a subscriber who regularly clicks on links about travel deals. You can assume that this person is interested in travel and would appreciate receiving emails with more travel content. Alternatively, if someone never clicks on any links in your emails, they might not be engaged with your content and would benefit from more general or promotional emails.

You can use click-based profiling to segment your list into different groups based on interests. This allows you to send more targeted emails to each group, increasing the chances that they’ll engage with your content and make a purchase. It’s also a great way to improve customer satisfaction by ensuring everyone receives the type of content they’re interested in.

Now, let’s dive into an example wherein we show you how the brand Kate Spade used click-based profiling and segmenting their audience first and then targeting their interests to boost conversion. Kate Spade utilizes click-based profiling to tailor customers’ interactions with the brand. By combining customer information with product information, you can also provide your customers the newest, most relevant products.

In the realm of fashion, freshly arrived items are much anticipated. Kate Spade profiles customers based on their clicks and then uses that information to give each customer a unique experience when viewing new arrivals.

In the first email, subscribers are prompted to interact with the content; based on their actions; they are then sent information about new products in their favored category. Whether you’re shopping for a handbag, wallet, clothing, or jewelry, there are plenty of options.

The second email features some of the newest additions to their click catalog. What about the playful part? The email’s detailed coverage of products under the spotlight.

This is fully automated using their product feed and customer relationship management data. The most up-to-date, in-stock items in the selected category are shown dynamically, making this a very effective and simple-to-implement technique.

Device-specific targeting

To ensure mobile consumers get the most out of their email by automatically recognizing their device and displaying an appropriate CTA.

Kate Spade did an A/B test to see whether ‘tap’ calls to action for mobile openers were more successful than a generic ‘shop’ CTA on mobile to drive interaction on mobile devices. In what way? Kate Spade achieved an 8% boost in conversion rates via the use of device-specific messaging.

‘Shop Now’ CTA was shown to those who accessed the email through desktop or webmail, while the ‘Tap to Shop’ CTA was displayed to those who accessed the email via mobile device.

Using Indirect Profiling to Trigger Follow-up Email

Indirect profiling uses a subscriber’s click activity to assess whether or not they should get a subsequent campaign regarding a certain product or service. The marketing team can quickly determine what kind of product, brand, or other information a subscriber is looking for by the categories assigned to the links inside promotional email campaigns.

Besiva, an e-commerce company, welcomed new subscribers to their campaign by sending an email with a special discount code. After clicking the picture, the user was sent to their website, where no further activity was tracked.

However, the click resulted in a second follow-up email, which acted as a gentle reminder of the curiosity initially sparked by the first email.

The email served to remind the user of a previous product and, optionally, to introduce them to related products that could pique their interest again.

How to get started with click-based profiling

If you want to personalize your emails and increase conversion, click-based profiling is a great way to get started. Here’s how it works:

First, you’ll need to collect data on your subscribers’ clicks. Once you have this data, you can start to segment your list based on clicking behavior. For example, you might create a segment of subscribers who frequently click on links in your emails or those who rarely click at all.

With these segments in place, you can send more targeted emails. For example, send more personalized content to those who frequently click or include special offers for those who don’t click often.

You can dramatically improve conversion rates by targeting your emails based on click behavior and make your email marketing more effective overall. So if you’re not already using click-based profiling, now is the time to get started!


Click-based profiling can be a great way to personalize emails and increase conversion rates. By understanding what your customers are interested in, you can tailor your messages to them specifically and offer them products or services they are more likely to be interested in. This can lead to more sales and happier customers overall. Give it a try today and see how it works for you!



