list of tools for abandoned cart recovery

List Of Tools You Need For Abandoned Cart Recovery

The average abandoned cart rate for eCommerce businesses stands at a staggering 69.82% today. In some cases, it even goes up to almost 80%!

Many of these cart abandoners were most likely indulging in some harmless window shopping, comparing prices, saving items for later, or simply exploring gift options available. While these are fairly unavoidable cases of cart abandonment, there are still a fairly large portion of carts that can be recovered.

Here’s a list of the most probable reasons why shoppers abandon their online shopping carts:

Source – Baymard Institute

To tackle this increasing problem upfront, you need a bunch of Shopify apps that can help you prevent and also bring back cart abandoners.

Shopify apps to bring back cart abandoners

RetainIQ – Leverage email marketing to boost recovered ROI

There are over 4 billion email users worldwide. It is no surprise why email marketing is still on the rise. In fact, email boasts an ROI of 4,200%.

RetainIQ helps you leverage these figures by preparing intelligent email workflows. You can deploy these flows 10X faster than any other similar tool in the market Furthermore, with RetainIQ, you can send more than one single reminder; send across a strategically designed set of emails to improve your cart recovery rates.

The email marketing app comes with two powerful workflows to recover carts:

  • Browse Abandoned Flow
  • Abandoned Cart Flow

SMSBump – Increase sales via automated text messages

This is a powerful yet simple all-in-one SMS platform for eCommerce businesses. You can seamlessly build your SMS marketing strategy and grow your subscriber lists. With the power of automation and AI, SMSBump also lets you segment your audience and send customized SMS messages that boost your revenue and ROI.

Now considering that SMS has a 98% open rate on messages, sending reminders on text are more likely to be read by the consumers who abandoned the purchase.

Recart – Send automated reminders on Facebook messenger

Recart’s best-in-class Flow Editors lets you create Messenger flows and drive revenue via conversational experiences. This app lets you build loyalty and a long-term relationship with your customers on Messenger, which also still happens to be one of the most used messaging apps. You can now recover your abandoned carts in the most seamless way possible by automating abandoned cart reminders on Messenger.

With over 2 billion internet users making use of Facebook Messenger, you don’t want to miss this opportunity!

Firepush – Generate more sales with web push notifications

Web push notifications are another effective channel to recover or bring back cart abandoners. Since they don’t require a consumer to share their personal contact information, they’re still the most preferred channel to receive updates from a business.

Firepush lets you automate your abandoned cart recovery web push notifications. You can also set up follow-up promotions, send product recommendations or offer shopping assistance to bring back these shoppers.

Adroll – Run automated retargeting ads on social media

Create dynamic ads on social media and search engines to retarget your audience. It helps remind people of what they left behind on a channel they’re more likely to be already active on. Thus, this app aids in increasing your performance and optimizing your ROAS.

Retargeting ads are also 5x cheaper than the cost per clicks on ads being run to target new customers, owing to the increase in competition on social media. – Send automated WhatsApp abandoned cart reminders

With QuickReply, you can now leverage the fastest growing messenger channel in the world – WhatsApp. Recover abandoned carts with WhatsApp marketing using multiple abandoned cart reminders, information on additional discounts and offers, and timely follow-ups.

As per WhatsApp marketing statistics, campaigns being run on this messaging platform have a similar performance as that of SMS. In addition to high open rates, it also delivers an average of 45% clickthrough rates and engagement.

The above-mentioned Shopify apps will help you bring back buyers, but there are a few apps that can help you prevent it in the first place. Here’s a list of Shopify apps that lets you tackle the massive problem of cart abandonment from the very grassroot level.

Shopify apps that help prevent cart abandonment

Woohoo – Enable spin wheel popups

You can easily gamify traditional pop-ups to offer something that helps stop the buyer from leaving and making an accrual purchase instead. With increased user engagement and interaction, you can help gauge your potential buyer’s interest from the get-go.

Optimonk – Use exit-intent popups to improve conversions

Miss no opportunity to boost your conversion rates. With Optimonk, you can persuade and coax abandoning visitors to stay on your site for longer, explore more products and even complete the purchase. Furthermore, this app also lets you add countdown timers and personalize offers.

Salespop – Live sales notifications that builds credibility

Display recent sales and cart popups using Salespop. It acts as social proof and helps boost sales on your online store. Additionally, by showing these, you basically create a sense of urgency around things by showing how many people have added the item you like to cart or have bought it, so it’s a subtle nudge.

Loox – Turn happy customers into advocates

Use Loox for customer reviews and effortless referrals. The goal is to promote trust and drive growth. Showing social proof can help prevent cart abandonment too because most people leave a product behind when they’re unsure of it. This app claims to improve your conversion rates by 91%!

Shipping Rates Calculator – Show shipping rates upfront

Close to 48% of consumers abandon their carts due to additional costs like shipping and delivery during checkout. This app uses precise geolocation technology to automatically show the shipping rates and delivery estimates. Displaying accurate shipping rates information upfront helps minimize abandoned cart rates drastically.

Tidio – Live chat to improve a buyer’s shopping journey

Assist people in making better purchase decisions by being there when they need you. You can reclaim abandoned carts and increase sales by integrating an AI-powered live chat tool like Tildio which lets you deliver excellent customer service based on your customers’ behavior.


You need to have all strategies in place from day one because inevitably, you are going to have to deal with abandoned carts. Abandoned cart recovery is an attempt to improve your conversion dn retention rates. The Shopify apps mentioned in this article will help you tackle this issue in a much more systematic and strategic manner.

RetainIQ can help you supercharge your online store. Book a free consultation and demo with our email experts.



