Nearest Location

Tailored to your shoppers, right down to the location nearest to them.Bring your shoppers closer to what they need with our nearest location personalization solution that provides a more tailored and convenient experience. Say goodbye to generic, and hello to personalization that makes shoppers feel you’re just around the corner.

Create fallbacks for users with missing location data or blocked IP addresses.

Use location data to display hyperlocal personalized content or promote local events and sales.

Quickly upload a CSV containing locations of your brand and enable nearest-location personalization.

Let Your Shoppers Know How Close You’re

Let your shoppers know how close you’re

Drive Traffic To Your Store, More Than Ever

Drive traffic to your store, more than ever

Benefits of Using Nearest-Location Personalization

Increased customer engagement

Personalizing the customer experience based on their nearest location can increase customer engagement and loyalty.


Providing personalized offers or promotions for nearby stores can incentivize customers to make in-store visits, leading to increased foot traffic and potentially higher sales.


Nearest-location personalization enables brands to better target their marketing efforts, reducing waste and increasing ROI.


Nearest-location personalization can lead to increased conversions, as customers are more likely to take action when they feel the brand understands and caters to their needs

Be easily found.

Try First Campaign For Free • No Credit Card Required

Make your shoppers want to hear from you again.

Try First Campaign For Free • No Credit Card Required

Make your shoppers want to hear from you again.