Category: Cart Recovery

  • Cart Recovery Email Examples for Food and Beverage Brands and Why They Work! – Copy

    Cart Recovery Email Examples for Food and Beverage Brands and Why They Work! – Copy

    The best cart recovery email examples for food and beverage brands online.  Ecommerce stores lose $18 billion in sales revenue each year because of cart abandonment. In March 2021, almost 80 percent of online shopping orders were abandoned and these numbers are increasing every year. Not only is it important for eCommerce stores to understand…

  • List Of Tools You Need For Abandoned Cart Recovery

    List Of Tools You Need For Abandoned Cart Recovery

    The average abandoned cart rate for eCommerce businesses stands at a staggering 69.82% today. In some cases, it even goes up to almost 80%! Many of these cart abandoners were most likely indulging in some harmless window shopping, comparing prices, saving items for later, or simply exploring gift options available. While these are fairly unavoidable…

  • 100+ Abandoned Cart Email Subject Line Examples

    100+ Abandoned Cart Email Subject Line Examples

    Struggling to get open rates on your abandoned cart email reminders? These abandoned cart email subject lines are sure to work!  Cart abandonment is one of the most challenging issues faced by eCommerce businesses irrespective of how big or small they are. Seven out of ten customers, that is, 70% buyers, are likely to leave…

  • Cart Recovery Email Examples and Templates for Online Electronics Stores

    Cart Recovery Email Examples and Templates for Online Electronics Stores

    Learn from the best of cart recovery emails examples to recover your lost sales. Is your online electronics store constantly facing the dilemma of overcoming abandoned carts? Cart abandonment is a major problem among eCommerce store owners. On an average, in 2021, 75.52 percent of customers added items to their cart but never completed their…

  • The Email Cart Recovery Strategy No One Told You About

    The Email Cart Recovery Strategy No One Told You About

    On average, the cart abandonment rate across all industries is 69.57%. And e-commerce brands lose $18 billion each year because of this. To combat this, most brands are already sending out abandoned cart reminders emails. However, the question really is – Is everyone actually converting these abandoned carts into sales? Are they able to reduce…

  • Cart Recovery Email Examples for Fashion and Apparel and Why They Work

    Cart Recovery Email Examples for Fashion and Apparel and Why They Work

    Get all the cart recovery email examples for fashion and apparel brands in this article. More than 70% of your shoppers will abandon carts at checkout and, unfortunately, this is a number that has slowly been increasing in recent years owing to the number of businesses going online with similar products and services. But there…

  • Cart Recovery Email Examples for Beauty and Cosmetics Brands

    Cart Recovery Email Examples for Beauty and Cosmetics Brands

    The best cart recovery email examples for beauty and cosmetics brands.  Cart abandonment is one of the biggest issues faced by beauty and cosmetics ecommerce brands today. According to SaleCycle, 75.6% of shoppers add items to their online shopping cart but exit the store without completing their purchase. That’s a HUGE potential revenue lost! It’s…

  • Cart Recovery Email Examples for Food and Beverage Brands and Why They Work!

    Cart Recovery Email Examples for Food and Beverage Brands and Why They Work!

    The best cart recovery email examples for food and beverage brands online.  Ecommerce stores lose $18 billion in sales revenue each year because of cart abandonment. In March 2021, almost 80 percent of online shopping orders were abandoned and these numbers are increasing every year. Not only is it important for eCommerce stores to understand…

  • Cart Recovery Email Examples for Health and Wellness Brands

    Cart Recovery Email Examples for Health and Wellness Brands

    Best cart recovery email examples for health and wellness brands You’re spending a lot of time and effort to bring quality traffic to your website. Your product pages look perfect, and the customers adore your products. The entire shopping experience from first viewing the product to adding them to the shopping cart is frictionless. And…

  • What Are Cart Recovery Emails, Why Are They Important, And How To Set Them Up

    What Are Cart Recovery Emails, Why Are They Important, And How To Set Them Up

    Have you ever added a product to your cart after spending a lot of time browsing? And then left the store without making any purchase at all? A countless number of times, we’re sure! As a consumer, you may not give much thought to it. But as a business, you spend thousands of dollars or…

  • Why Is Your Shopify Cart Recovery Email Not Working and What Can You Do?

    Why Is Your Shopify Cart Recovery Email Not Working and What Can You Do?

    If you have an online store on Shopify, cart abandonment is one of the most unavoidable problems you’ll face. With the average online cart abandonment rate being a whopping 71%, only about one-third of all shoppers who add a product to their cart, complete their purchase. That’s a serious loss of potential revenue for any…