win-back email template with product recommendations

Win-back Email Template and Examples With Personalized Product Recommendations

When customers go a long time without making a purchase from your eCommerce store, a natural way to re-engage these inactive customers is to reach out to them via email. A win-back email is meant to accomplish just that!

Win-back emails help reactivate customers who’ve stopped interacting with the brand for a long time and promote new products that they’ve likely not discovered yet, to lure them back to your store.

Personalized product recommendations can transform your win-back email’s content into something relevant, enticing, and clickable. Product recommendations are a proven way to increase customer engagement, improve click-through rates, and ultimately generate more online revenue.

A study revealed that including personalized product recommendations in email can increase CTR by 300% or more,

When done right, personalized product recommendations can be the key to transforming your online business and can successfully bring back past shoppers. Here are 9 email templates from successful brands who’ve leveraged product recommendations in their win back emails:


Asics’ win-back email makes product recommendations the key element to draw in their inactive customers.

However, recommending a few pairs of shoes doesn’t work for everyone as each customer has their own preferences for finding the shoes that are best for the activities they prefer doing. Asics attempts to resolve this difficult and overwhelming process of finding the perfect shoe by developing a quiz that customers can take to find out exactly which shoes suit their needs the best.

This approach is better as the brand doesn’t overload the email with shoes for different possible scenarios and puts the decision-making power into the hands of the subscriber.

Also, by including this in their win-back email, they’re acknowledging their customer’s problems and trying to provide an easy solution to make their purchase journey much more easy and efficient.


MistoBox, an online personalized coffee retailer, uses its win-back email to remind customers why they originally subscribed to the brand (to discover new coffee personalized to them).

The brand then goes on to lure back the reader into making a new purchase by sharing six different products from the catalog. This is a good strategy to get your old customers to rethink new purchases even if they didn’t like the products included in the first box.

Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club understands that its customers may not want to buy their razors every month. Therefore they use their win-back emails to acknowledge this and rather offer them a monthly delivery option where they would be receiving a razor every second month.

The brand uses a personalized product recommendation email and displays its bestselling products to encourage them to make a purchase.

Moreover, to back up their offer, they include three positive reviews on how going for a subscription option like this helped their past customers save money.


Boden leverages its win-back email to remind their once-active customer about what they’re missing.

This campaign hooks in their customers with the message “what you’re missing”. It re-establishes its brand identity with the lapsed customer with strong captivating visuals of what the brand offers and why they are relevant, making it serve as a reminder.

Finally, the CTA encourages the customer to explore their latest products.


Tula, a skincare brand, sends a lengthy but convincing win-back email to tempt its inactive customers into exploring its product range.

By highlighting their bestsellers, customers can easily re-familiarize themselves with the brand’s products without having to visit the website. Even more, Tula pairs each bestseller with a glowing review from a customer to share social proof and build credibility around its products.

Tula even makes sure that it personalizes its CTAs to each product so that the shopper can end up on the exact page of the product they are interested in.


LastObject, an online retailer for reusable products, sends subscribers a win-back email to give them a taste of their expanding product range.

While everyone is probably aware of its famous reusable LastSwab, the brand understands that many of its subscribers are likely to be unaware of its new innovations.

This email manages to change that, by including quick descriptions and CTAs to learn more.

Odd Molly

Odd Molly, an online clothing store, recommends products that a customer is likely to love based on personalized onsite behavior i.e based on products that they’ve already looked at the last time they had visited the site.

They use this onsite behavior to trigger an abandoned cart email, in the hopes of tempting customers to check out their suggestions and make a purchase.


Birchbox, an online beauty retailer, realizes the power of surprises and the sudden excitement it incites in the minds of shoppers. BirchBox leverages this emotional instinct in their win-back emails and makes re-engagement a rewarding experience.

They provide their subscribers with two interesting product box options with a captivating CTA in the end saying “Surprise me, Please!”


Brooklinen, an online retailer for bed and bath linens, uses its win-back email to coax inactive customers into re-engaging with their brand again with just the right words and offering the right things.

Brooklinen uses various win-back tactics like listing three reasons why a former customer should return to their site and offers a gift with their order as an added incentive.

But what strengthens this win-back email is the mix of product recommendations shared below at the end which does a great job of reminding the reader of everything the brand has to offer.

When all three are combined, it provides a strong enough incentive for the customer to revisit the brand and make a purchase, thereby reducing their customer churn rate.


Including product recommendations in your win-back email is a great way to give your inactive customers a clear and convenient path to start re-engaging with the brand.

The templates included in this article are designed to help you build a successful product recommendation email. The first step is to figure out what they want, which will allow you to offer them something they will be interested in.

The next step is to include the right information in your emails and have a strong call-to-action with a link back to the product page.

Win-back emails are going to play a crucial part in your overall email marketing strategy, by helping you manage an efficient email list of people who are genuinely interested in receiving your emails and ultimately convert into buyers.

We’d recommend experimenting with the different types of recommendations you offer, where you place them in your email, and experiment with the copy that goes with it, to figure out the most effective template to increase customer engagement and improve your revenue stream.

Ready to create a winning win-back email flow for your ecommerce business? Explore RetainIQ today.



