Category: Email Marketing Tool Alternatives

  • Uncover the Difference: Segmentation vs Personalization

    Uncover the Difference: Segmentation vs Personalization

    In the modern age of marketing, segmentation and personalization are two powerful tools for driving customer engagement. But despite their similarities, segmentation and personalization have distinct meanings that should be understood before they are implemented in your email campaigns. In my opinion, these two terms are drastically different from each other. In this blog post,…

  • How to use click-based profiling to personalize emails and increase conversion

    How to use click-based profiling to personalize emails and increase conversion

    You’ve probably heard of click-based profiling, but what is it exactly? And how can you use it to personalize your emails and increase conversion? Click-based profiling is a way of segmenting your email list by the links that recipients click on in your emails. This allows you to send more targeted and relevant emails, which…

  • Convert More Christmas Shoppers With SMS Personalization

    Convert More Christmas Shoppers With SMS Personalization

    Christmas is just around the corner, and retailers are already gearing up for the rush of holiday shoppers. But how can you make sure your store stands out from the rest? One way is to personalize your SMS marketing campaigns. By sending targeted, relevant messages to your customers, you can show them that you care…

  • Convert More Christmas Shoppers with Email Personalization

    Convert More Christmas Shoppers with Email Personalization

    Christmas is a time of celebration and merriment. It’s also the time of year when people are most willing to spend money. The holidays are a challenging time for email marketers. The stakes are high since this channel has the greatest conversion rate. We can all agree that the holiday season has unparalleled potential for…

  • How leveraging Email Personalization and Contextual Marketing can help increase Revenue by 2000%

    How leveraging Email Personalization and Contextual Marketing can help increase Revenue by 2000%

    Email personalisation and contextual marketing are important strategies to increase revenue for any business. By leveraging the data available from customers, businesses can target their communications more effectively to create an engaging customer experience. This ultimately leads to higher conversions and more sales. Personalisation of emails allows businesses to deliver content that is tailored specifically…

  • 15 Great Email Marketing Alternatives to Shopify Email

    15 Great Email Marketing Alternatives to Shopify Email

    Explore the best email marketing alternatives to Shopify Email. Whether you want to sell your products online or want to turn your hobby into a side hustle, chances are you already either have or are thinking of building an online store and most likely with Shopify. The very popular cloud-based service shopping cart solution, Shopify…

  • Best MailChimp Alternatives for eCommerce in 2022

    Best MailChimp Alternatives for eCommerce in 2022

    Email marketing has a high return on investment due to its widespread popularity and benefits. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $42. Email marketing is a cost-effective and quick way for eCommerce businesses to reach out to their customers. There are many email marketing tools on…

  • 10 Ecommerce Email Marketing Tool Alternatives to BayEngage (by TargetBay)

    10 Ecommerce Email Marketing Tool Alternatives to BayEngage (by TargetBay)

    When Target launched BayEngage in 2016, its sole aim was to tackle the challenges faced by modern email marketers along with providing a user friendly and responsive email automation solution at an affordable price. Since then, BayEngage has empowered more than 4000 online stores to scale their business by harnessing the power of email marketing…